Western forces have tried as much as they can not to get involved directly in the Syrian conflict, much to the shagrin of the Syrian citizens that are butchered every day. Well, in the past few days, my sources are telling me that the day of involvement is very near.
Why, you ask? Are we finally going to help the Syrian people? No, I answer. The reason is much more sinister. My sources have observed Hezbollah forces moving into positions near the main chemical weapons facilities in Syria and have also seen Hezbollah trucks setting up camps near Syrian missile bases. Israel and the US will not allow that to happen, period!!!
Yesterday, you heard the Iranian foreign minister state that if Syria is attacked by Israel, it would be considered an act of war and an attack on Iran. First, I doubt that to be meaningful but at the same time its timely as I think the Iranians know well them selves what the Hezbollah forces are doing and are expecting a retaliation for their actions. Israel has also moved its Iron Dome batteries north yesteryday as a preparation for action I believe.
This is a very dangerous situation indeed
Follow this agent and his political commentary as he travels the world and posts relevant and sometimes yet to be published data about geopolitical events that we all care about
Monday, January 28, 2013
Sunday, January 27, 2013
The Chess Game - A Macro View of the Current Events
Like in any chess game, there are pawns. Sometimes, the pawns might even not know they are pawns and think they are kings but I will try to layout the convoluted net today so it will become clearer what are the forces at play currently in the Middle East.
First, all Jihadists need to realize they are pawns! Pawns played by the Iranians, Pawns played by the Saudis Pawns played by the West.
Some of the most powerful forces at play today in the Middle East are not the fights between Israel and its enemies, its actually the fight between sects of Islam, the Shia and the Sunnis. Iran and its struggles to control the Middle East is fighting the other sects leaders mainly the Saudis & the Emirates.
The pawns are countries like Syria, Libya and Egypt; all seemingly powerful states but being played by the two powers mentioned above easily.
So, If the Syrian regime falls, it a big blow to the Iranian control plan, right? The Jihadists in Syria are mostly funded and supplied by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and they do not want to stop at toppling Assad, they also want these Jihadist to fight the Shia minority in Syria after Assad is toppled. Also, if they succeed in doing it, the next door country, Iraq, which is mostly controlled by a Shia majority could become the next target for unrest if Saudi Arabia gets what they want.
Interesting, right? Well, it does not stop there because Egypt is now controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood which although not Shia, they do hate the Saudi regime and Iran is playing that pawn against the Emirates and the Saudi's (see my post on recent terror attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood in Dubai).
Noticed the recent unrest in Egypt and the riots around the country? Is that only Saudi stirring it up though? I don't think so, I think our friends in the CIA might have some hands in this pie as well.
Oy vey, now I have given another reason for people to think its only Israel that benefits from this unrest. its actually not true either. Israel only benefits from stability of these regimes not the chaos that they have falling into right now so stop blaming Israel for everything and start thinking outside the box a little.
I hope I managed to connect some dots for you although this area is crazy complicated as you can see.
The powers at bay...

First, all Jihadists need to realize they are pawns! Pawns played by the Iranians, Pawns played by the Saudis Pawns played by the West.
Some of the most powerful forces at play today in the Middle East are not the fights between Israel and its enemies, its actually the fight between sects of Islam, the Shia and the Sunnis. Iran and its struggles to control the Middle East is fighting the other sects leaders mainly the Saudis & the Emirates.
The pawns are countries like Syria, Libya and Egypt; all seemingly powerful states but being played by the two powers mentioned above easily.
So, If the Syrian regime falls, it a big blow to the Iranian control plan, right? The Jihadists in Syria are mostly funded and supplied by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and they do not want to stop at toppling Assad, they also want these Jihadist to fight the Shia minority in Syria after Assad is toppled. Also, if they succeed in doing it, the next door country, Iraq, which is mostly controlled by a Shia majority could become the next target for unrest if Saudi Arabia gets what they want.
Interesting, right? Well, it does not stop there because Egypt is now controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood which although not Shia, they do hate the Saudi regime and Iran is playing that pawn against the Emirates and the Saudi's (see my post on recent terror attempts by the Muslim Brotherhood in Dubai).
Noticed the recent unrest in Egypt and the riots around the country? Is that only Saudi stirring it up though? I don't think so, I think our friends in the CIA might have some hands in this pie as well.
Oy vey, now I have given another reason for people to think its only Israel that benefits from this unrest. its actually not true either. Israel only benefits from stability of these regimes not the chaos that they have falling into right now so stop blaming Israel for everything and start thinking outside the box a little.
I hope I managed to connect some dots for you although this area is crazy complicated as you can see.
The powers at bay...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013
The Flow of Weapons into the Mali Conflict
If one is to follow the events in Mali closely as I have been doing from the ground in Africa in the past few weeks, one would think that the French forces will "Finish the Job" pretty quickly and clear northern Mali from its Islamist factions very soon. The French show superior weaponry and of course air superiority. However, we are students of history and we know its not that simple. Air Superiority did not give the allies any real benefit in the fight against the Taliban. The terrain is different but in most cases, these Mali Islamists are dug into large cave complexes which will need troops on the ground to take over.
A question the allies are also asking them self, is where would the continued line of logistical support will come from? Africa is full of weapons and given the recent Arab Spring, a new plentiful supply of weapons is evident.
First, is the major arsenal taken from the bunkers of the Qaddafi regime. Although the Qaddafi loyalist are not really motivated by Islamist ideology, they are motivated by money. This is evident in the flow of anti aircraft missiles from the south of Libya to Northern Mali.
Second, is Somalia; the Al Shabab groups had to be pushed out of Mogadishu so the supply lines between the areas which they are in (Western Somalia) is flowing with light weapons and armed militants to join the fight against the French.
Third, is Northern Sudan which gets a fresh supply of weapons every day from Iran and that gets routed to the Gaza strip as well now to Northern Mali.
Lastly is Nigeria; although the Nigerian government is sending troops into Mali to help the French, the Muslim militants in Nigeria's north are sympathetic to the Mali cause and send weapons as well as people into Mali.
This means that the French are not going to easily defeat the Mali Islamist and we are starting a long and bloody confrontation only to escalate over 2013.
Hope this helps,
French Forces in Mali
A question the allies are also asking them self, is where would the continued line of logistical support will come from? Africa is full of weapons and given the recent Arab Spring, a new plentiful supply of weapons is evident.
First, is the major arsenal taken from the bunkers of the Qaddafi regime. Although the Qaddafi loyalist are not really motivated by Islamist ideology, they are motivated by money. This is evident in the flow of anti aircraft missiles from the south of Libya to Northern Mali.
Second, is Somalia; the Al Shabab groups had to be pushed out of Mogadishu so the supply lines between the areas which they are in (Western Somalia) is flowing with light weapons and armed militants to join the fight against the French.
Third, is Northern Sudan which gets a fresh supply of weapons every day from Iran and that gets routed to the Gaza strip as well now to Northern Mali.
Lastly is Nigeria; although the Nigerian government is sending troops into Mali to help the French, the Muslim militants in Nigeria's north are sympathetic to the Mali cause and send weapons as well as people into Mali.
This means that the French are not going to easily defeat the Mali Islamist and we are starting a long and bloody confrontation only to escalate over 2013.
Hope this helps,
French Forces in Mali
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Power to the People
Usually I would not condone a lynch on anyone person. Its a terrible and horrendous act by a group of people in a craze. However, I am reporting from a call I received from my French colleague Mr. Del Marmol who just informed me that he is on the ground close the the town of Gao Mali and he just saw a lynch being preformed by the locals on the top Islamist "official" in town. As I stated in my last post, the events in Algeria gave strength to the people of Mali that they can as well stand up to the Islamo Fascists. The power of the people whether they have weapons or not is evident.
Of course with a little help from the western spy agencies, they will have even more power.
Gao, Mali
Of course with a little help from the western spy agencies, they will have even more power.
Gao, Mali
Thursday, January 17, 2013
Algeria's Decisive Action
My sources are telling me that over 35 hostages died in the rescue attempt that Algeria's special forces preformed this morning in the southern gas field. Around the world, opinions might vary and criticize the Algerians for taking decisive action and not waiting for the approval of foreign governments to "Negotiate" the release of the hostages.
Why was the decision the right one? First, this action by the terrorists is not the first nor it will be the last in this area of Africa. That is why you just do not negotiate with terrorists. The future amount of casualties as a direct result of negotiations might exceed the unfortunate amount of casualties in this operation.
Second, one must understand the more macro vision of Algeria; what pushed many of these terrorists south into northern Mali was the fight the Algerian authorities preformed in the past against these forces in southern Algeria. The Algerian citizens and the foreign companies that want to use Algeria's resources to promote growth in that country need to get a clear and decisive message "We will not tolerate these types of acts on our soil". This is important for the region as well because the terrorists will find no real urban populated areas to move too. The only other area they can move into is the southern part of Libya but that will not have major consequences as it has little populations or cities in that region.
The biggest problem Western counties have now is to show that they are committed to root out this cancer till the last drop of blood. It is already difficult for the French to show lasting commitment and to recruit other African nations to the fight. However, the foreign promise of capital is greater than any nationalistic priorities and I think eventually more nations will join the fight. Other Western European countries will feel obligated to join the fight but will probably only do it logistically but without real troop commitment which will make the French feel exactly how the USA felt in the beginning of the Afghanistan war.
Funny how things turn out
Why was the decision the right one? First, this action by the terrorists is not the first nor it will be the last in this area of Africa. That is why you just do not negotiate with terrorists. The future amount of casualties as a direct result of negotiations might exceed the unfortunate amount of casualties in this operation.
Second, one must understand the more macro vision of Algeria; what pushed many of these terrorists south into northern Mali was the fight the Algerian authorities preformed in the past against these forces in southern Algeria. The Algerian citizens and the foreign companies that want to use Algeria's resources to promote growth in that country need to get a clear and decisive message "We will not tolerate these types of acts on our soil". This is important for the region as well because the terrorists will find no real urban populated areas to move too. The only other area they can move into is the southern part of Libya but that will not have major consequences as it has little populations or cities in that region.
The biggest problem Western counties have now is to show that they are committed to root out this cancer till the last drop of blood. It is already difficult for the French to show lasting commitment and to recruit other African nations to the fight. However, the foreign promise of capital is greater than any nationalistic priorities and I think eventually more nations will join the fight. Other Western European countries will feel obligated to join the fight but will probably only do it logistically but without real troop commitment which will make the French feel exactly how the USA felt in the beginning of the Afghanistan war.
Funny how things turn out
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The Boomerang Effect
It should not surprise anyone that people make mistakes. Some government leaders are even expected to do more mistakes than the average person although they are elected officials (Not a lot of brain surgeons decide to try and get elected to a political position). However, when Western leaders in both the USA and in Israel keep on making the same mistakes over and over again, it bothers me and should bother you.
I am talking about the Boomerang Effect. This is when the Western leaders decide to take a side in one conflict or another and invest their hard earned resources and time to make one side win over the other side but with the eventual effect of making that side their future enemy.
What am I talking about? I will give you some examples.
Most recent is the new war I predicted will happen over a month ago in Northern Mali. Today, as you may have heard, the Al Qaeda elements in the north of Africa took over a large gas field and are now holding hostage over 41 foreign citizens. That not the news I would just repeat in this blog. What's more interesting is that a large part of these forces are made out of the Tuareg's; a nomadic tribe mostly roaming the Sahara and always wishing for Independence. The Tuareg's are mainly good people. They usually do not affiliate with the Islamist Fascists. However, they are also opportunistic A few years ago, the US CIA has trained many Tuareg fighters in American style special forces tactics. These tactics are now going to be turned back on the French forces working in the area which is not good.
Sound familiar? We did it several times before and suffered severe consequences. Osama Bin Laden was trained and operated by the CIA in Afghanistan. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin the spiritual founder of the terror group Hamas was trained and supported against the PLO originally by the Israeli Mossad.
Cant we learn from history? The only glimmer of hope is that we still have human intelligence elements within the Tuareg tribe leadership and could employ these assets to turn this conflict around for us.

I am talking about the Boomerang Effect. This is when the Western leaders decide to take a side in one conflict or another and invest their hard earned resources and time to make one side win over the other side but with the eventual effect of making that side their future enemy.
What am I talking about? I will give you some examples.
Most recent is the new war I predicted will happen over a month ago in Northern Mali. Today, as you may have heard, the Al Qaeda elements in the north of Africa took over a large gas field and are now holding hostage over 41 foreign citizens. That not the news I would just repeat in this blog. What's more interesting is that a large part of these forces are made out of the Tuareg's; a nomadic tribe mostly roaming the Sahara and always wishing for Independence. The Tuareg's are mainly good people. They usually do not affiliate with the Islamist Fascists. However, they are also opportunistic A few years ago, the US CIA has trained many Tuareg fighters in American style special forces tactics. These tactics are now going to be turned back on the French forces working in the area which is not good.
Sound familiar? We did it several times before and suffered severe consequences. Osama Bin Laden was trained and operated by the CIA in Afghanistan. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin the spiritual founder of the terror group Hamas was trained and supported against the PLO originally by the Israeli Mossad.
Cant we learn from history? The only glimmer of hope is that we still have human intelligence elements within the Tuareg tribe leadership and could employ these assets to turn this conflict around for us.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013
The Fatwā and the Monkey
Today the Iranian government came out with two very weird announcements. Weird in the way that they are unbelievable and contradicting.
First, the foreign ministry announced that Iran is not allowed to develop nuclear weapons because of a Fatwa made by their supreme leader. Yes, the same people that stone women in the streets and cut off heads and limbs of prisoners of wars or just plain thieves are going to issue an edict that will save this world from war. These people believe in their scriptures that the world needs to burn flat in order for their prophet to reveal him self again; these are the people that we should now believe and rest assured will not build an atomic bomb.
Second, the Iranian government announced that they will send a couple of Monkeys to space soon.
This I guess has nothing to do with testing their missile systems and seeing if they can carry a heavy payload?
Poor Monkeys.
First, the foreign ministry announced that Iran is not allowed to develop nuclear weapons because of a Fatwa made by their supreme leader. Yes, the same people that stone women in the streets and cut off heads and limbs of prisoners of wars or just plain thieves are going to issue an edict that will save this world from war. These people believe in their scriptures that the world needs to burn flat in order for their prophet to reveal him self again; these are the people that we should now believe and rest assured will not build an atomic bomb.
Second, the Iranian government announced that they will send a couple of Monkeys to space soon.
This I guess has nothing to do with testing their missile systems and seeing if they can carry a heavy payload?
Poor Monkeys.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Taftanaz Air Base the Obama Indifference
Today, the Jabhat Al Nuserie terror organization has finished taking over the largest Air Base (Taftanaz) full with military weapons and Helicopters in the northern part of Syria.
The Syrian air-force is trying to destroy the base from the air but the group has cleaned it out of any weapons. This is a precursor to what is going to happen in the rest of the country once the rebels take over the army bases of the Syrian army and how serious it is if the advanced chemical weapons fall into the wrong hands.
However, the Obama administration (especially now at the leadership of the new defense secretary, Mr Hegel) will do absolutely nothing to deal with the problem. Today General Dempsey said that if Assad wanted to use the weapons "no one can stop him" . That's not what I am worried about, I am worried about these weapons getting into the hands of Iranian backed terror groups such as Hezbollah and being launched into Israel or Turkey.
This is all part of a continuing path of appeasement the Obama administration is taking towards every world crisis. Neville Chamberlain once said " Let there be peace on earth" and we all saw where that led us; World War 2!!!
The Syrian air-force is trying to destroy the base from the air but the group has cleaned it out of any weapons. This is a precursor to what is going to happen in the rest of the country once the rebels take over the army bases of the Syrian army and how serious it is if the advanced chemical weapons fall into the wrong hands.
However, the Obama administration (especially now at the leadership of the new defense secretary, Mr Hegel) will do absolutely nothing to deal with the problem. Today General Dempsey said that if Assad wanted to use the weapons "no one can stop him" . That's not what I am worried about, I am worried about these weapons getting into the hands of Iranian backed terror groups such as Hezbollah and being launched into Israel or Turkey.
This is all part of a continuing path of appeasement the Obama administration is taking towards every world crisis. Neville Chamberlain once said " Let there be peace on earth" and we all saw where that led us; World War 2!!!
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
What can 50 Tons of Uranium Do
Reports are coming in that 50 tons of Uranium went missing when Israel attacked and destroyed the Al Kibar Syrian nuclear plat a few years ago. what happened to this Uranium? Did it get to Iran.
in my opinion, it did not. Assad is good friends with the Iranians but he is more afraid of an Israeli retaliation Therefore he has hidden the 50 tons in a new site that he kept secret called Marj Al Sultan which is a secure site next to Damascus.
Its safe for now but if pressured by the Iranians, he might give it to them.
BTW, 50 Tons of Uranium can build up to 5 Nuclear Bombs
in my opinion, it did not. Assad is good friends with the Iranians but he is more afraid of an Israeli retaliation Therefore he has hidden the 50 tons in a new site that he kept secret called Marj Al Sultan which is a secure site next to Damascus.
Its safe for now but if pressured by the Iranians, he might give it to them.
BTW, 50 Tons of Uranium can build up to 5 Nuclear Bombs
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Washington Turnover
Today I met with agent Gertler of the DIA in Washington DC. He asked me how I felt about the new faces coming to the State Department and the Defense department. I nodded with indifference.
Here are my 2c;
First, as an ex military man my self, I always give honors to a war hero. So what if he is a bad ass in the wrong way towards Israel. He actually has military experience where not many in this role in the past had. Can you ever imagine the same position being fulfilled in Israel with a non military guy? That would not even be thought of.
Second, in his opinion and others such as Rand Paul, Israel should not receive any assistance form the US. That's a misguided approach given that Israel is the only democratic ally in the middle east to the US and has been fighting on the front of the war on terror in many ways on the behalf of the USA (Just one example from last week was that the Israeli Mossad tipped off the US intelligence about the movement and armament of Syrian troops with their chemical weapons. This event has prompted the speech by President Obama to say there is a line that should not be cross in terms of using chemical weapons in Syria).
As much as its misguided, true believers in the strength of Israel would agree like me that we would want an independent Israel that would not be dependent on any government to save its skin; we learned that all too well during the Holocaust.
Lastly, Senator Hegel's opinion on Iran is just wrong!!! We cannot speak these people out of developing a bomb and Iran with a bomb would be a bigger catastrophe than any other possible scenario of retaliation by the Mullah regime.
I would have thought Senator Hegel would have learned that lesson from his experience with the North Vietnamese..
Here are my 2c;
First, as an ex military man my self, I always give honors to a war hero. So what if he is a bad ass in the wrong way towards Israel. He actually has military experience where not many in this role in the past had. Can you ever imagine the same position being fulfilled in Israel with a non military guy? That would not even be thought of.
Second, in his opinion and others such as Rand Paul, Israel should not receive any assistance form the US. That's a misguided approach given that Israel is the only democratic ally in the middle east to the US and has been fighting on the front of the war on terror in many ways on the behalf of the USA (Just one example from last week was that the Israeli Mossad tipped off the US intelligence about the movement and armament of Syrian troops with their chemical weapons. This event has prompted the speech by President Obama to say there is a line that should not be cross in terms of using chemical weapons in Syria).
As much as its misguided, true believers in the strength of Israel would agree like me that we would want an independent Israel that would not be dependent on any government to save its skin; we learned that all too well during the Holocaust.
Lastly, Senator Hegel's opinion on Iran is just wrong!!! We cannot speak these people out of developing a bomb and Iran with a bomb would be a bigger catastrophe than any other possible scenario of retaliation by the Mullah regime.
I would have thought Senator Hegel would have learned that lesson from his experience with the North Vietnamese..
Friday, January 4, 2013
A Mossad Agent Left Behind
In one of my recent posts, I mentioned how the Northern Part of Mali in Africa is more dangerous than Yemen. I still hold that truth but in recent weeks, an unfortunate event happened to two of our fellow agents. Getting caught in the line of duty is part of an agent's risk and in many way you know that the country that sent you will not be able to get you back or even acknowledge that you ever existed or worked for that organization.
Reports are saying that two Mossad agents (Abraham A-Dari & Ali Abed El Muhsan Al Daari) have been arrested in the Northern part of Yemen. As we found out recently, the same American Yemenite who was recently killed by the CIA (Al Awlaki) was intimately involved in 9/11 (He was the one that actually bought the airline tickets for the terrorists but was never arrested by the FBI). Yemen is a hot bed of terrorist activities and many intelligence organizations are actively trying to spread their networks in this area. The Israeli Mossad is actually the best in the world in Humint (Human Intelligence), with all due respect to the CIA and has thousand of agents working for it around the world. In some cases, these assets get caught or revealed.
However, rest assured, where there is one or two assets cells, there are ten more covering it as plan B. Most unaware of each other.
Reports are saying that two Mossad agents (Abraham A-Dari & Ali Abed El Muhsan Al Daari) have been arrested in the Northern part of Yemen. As we found out recently, the same American Yemenite who was recently killed by the CIA (Al Awlaki) was intimately involved in 9/11 (He was the one that actually bought the airline tickets for the terrorists but was never arrested by the FBI). Yemen is a hot bed of terrorist activities and many intelligence organizations are actively trying to spread their networks in this area. The Israeli Mossad is actually the best in the world in Humint (Human Intelligence), with all due respect to the CIA and has thousand of agents working for it around the world. In some cases, these assets get caught or revealed.
However, rest assured, where there is one or two assets cells, there are ten more covering it as plan B. Most unaware of each other.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
An Update to "a Fallen Hero" Post
Some rumors are floating around the intelligence community that Commander Job Price, RIP. Did not commit suicide in his base in Afghanistan but he was assigned to provide Secretary Clinton's private security when she was traveling to Iran to attend a secret meeting with the Iranian president a few weeks ago.
The rumors are saying that Mrs.Clinton was traveling to Iran on a secret mission and her plane crashed at the airport in Iran. Some American individuals from her team have died and she was injured and flown back to the hospital in the US. One of these individuals is said to be Commander Job Price.
This will explain the lack of transparency around Mrs. Clinton's latest illness.
The supposed meeting was to take place in the City of Ahwaz below
The rumors are saying that Mrs.Clinton was traveling to Iran on a secret mission and her plane crashed at the airport in Iran. Some American individuals from her team have died and she was injured and flown back to the hospital in the US. One of these individuals is said to be Commander Job Price.
This will explain the lack of transparency around Mrs. Clinton's latest illness.
The supposed meeting was to take place in the City of Ahwaz below
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
The Coming War You Have Never Heard About
Growing up, my Dad would refer to a far away forgotten place as "Timbuktu". Only when I grew up I actually realized it was a real city in the North of Mali in Africa. Yes, I know its not something one should admit but its true.
I wanted to point people's attention to the next war against Al Qaeda. Most "Counter Terrorism" talking heads on TV want to point our attention to the next Afghanistan and most point to Yemen. Although its true that Yemen is indeed a dangerous place. Yemen has a functioning government and is helping in the war against the terrorists in their midst. On the other hand, AQIM (Al Qaeda In the Maghreb) is a much more dangerous threat. Unknown to most of the world, AQIM has taken over North Mali in Africa and is controlling an area the size of Texas or the country of France. The Taliban like terror groups such as Ansar A Din are enforcing sharia law and cutting off the limbs of people that don't comply. They beat up women in the streets that do not cover themselves enough in their eyes and they have destroyed over 16 world heritage sites that they don't think represent the Muslim heritage. Sound familiar (The Taliban destroyed the famous Buddhas carved in the mountains that stood there for 600 years)?
This month the U.N has approved outside military intervention to root out these terrorists but they have built huge fortresses in caves in the desert and have vowed to crush any outside intervention. So, would that war begin this year? Who is the U.N expecting to intervene, the US, France? Who ever it will be, they should expect a tough fight.
I wanted to point people's attention to the next war against Al Qaeda. Most "Counter Terrorism" talking heads on TV want to point our attention to the next Afghanistan and most point to Yemen. Although its true that Yemen is indeed a dangerous place. Yemen has a functioning government and is helping in the war against the terrorists in their midst. On the other hand, AQIM (Al Qaeda In the Maghreb) is a much more dangerous threat. Unknown to most of the world, AQIM has taken over North Mali in Africa and is controlling an area the size of Texas or the country of France. The Taliban like terror groups such as Ansar A Din are enforcing sharia law and cutting off the limbs of people that don't comply. They beat up women in the streets that do not cover themselves enough in their eyes and they have destroyed over 16 world heritage sites that they don't think represent the Muslim heritage. Sound familiar (The Taliban destroyed the famous Buddhas carved in the mountains that stood there for 600 years)?
This month the U.N has approved outside military intervention to root out these terrorists but they have built huge fortresses in caves in the desert and have vowed to crush any outside intervention. So, would that war begin this year? Who is the U.N expecting to intervene, the US, France? Who ever it will be, they should expect a tough fight.
Muslim Brotherhood's Threats to the UAE
Almost leaving the Persian Gulf area but before I do, I needed to do some shopping in Dubai. I met one of my colleagues for lunch. Agent AG from the UAE intelligence services told me that in the past two weeks, the authorities have caught two Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood cells in Dubai and Abu Dabi trying to train terrorists to preform attacks inside the UAE and to try and overthrow thew current regime the UAE see it as a direct interference of Egypt in their internal affairs and are not liking this at all. Egypt is now run and controlled by a Muslim Brotherhood dictatorship. Arab Spring anyone? it would bring Democracy to these countries. Yeah, Right
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